Yunnan snacks favored by Mekong visitors

By Gateway   |    2024-04-16 17:09:01

A group of international communicators from the Mekong countries, as well as those from the US and Russia, visited a snack market in south Yunnan’s Xishuangbanna during the just-concluded 2024 Water-splashing Festival.

The international communicators managed to make their own dishes out of distinctive local ingredients, and they tasted what they cooked in high spirits.

Tens of thousands of tourists and residents gathered on banks of the Lancang River section, upper reach of the Mekong River, in Xishuangbanna prefecture for the water festival, or the 1386 New Year on Dai calendar.

Source: Mekong News Network; Trans-editing by Wang Shixue

Yunnan snacks favored by Mekong visitors